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Examination Office: Bioinformatics, Computational Sciences, Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics & Physics

Departments of Mathematics & Computer Science and Physics

Freie Universität Berlin

Anleitungen / FAQs Formulare / Forms Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen / Regulations

Ansprechpartner, Zuständigkeiten und Sprechzeiten:

Please contact us preferably by email.
But do read THIS first before contacting us!

Maria-Alexandra Kökenhoff

Constanze Stein

Dmitrij Heinz




 (030) 838-65732 (030) 838-64054 (030) 838-63380
 Computer Science  Bioinformatics Physics

Data Science

Computational Sciences

BSc Mathematics

 BSc Lehramt Informatik   MSc Mathematics BSc Lehramt Mathematik

Sprechzeiten / Consultation Hours

11.00–1.00 pm

11.00–1.00 pm

11.00–1.00 pm 
Additional appointments may be arranged by email.

 out of office:


 out of office:


7.4. / 11.4.2025

 out of office:


You may also find the answer to your query in the
course study & examination regulations
, in our FAQs, here or through the mentoring service.
Arnimallee 14
Raum 1.1.14a/b
14195 Berlin
Anleitungen / FAQs Formulare / Forms Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen / Regulations

Important notices

Please send us registration forms and other documents as a high-quality scan in PDF format.

Infos relating to the submission of your thesis

The submission of printed theses (obligatory according to examination regulations) is still possible for all Physics programmes and for the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Mathematics and Computational Sciences .

It is important that you send the electronic version of your thesis (PDF format) in by the submission deadline. For Physics & BSc Mathematics mail to D. Heinz (dmitrij.heinz@fu-berlin.de & in Cc your reviewers and for Computational Sciences & MSc Mathematics mail to C. Stein (c.stein@.fu-berlin.de) & Cc your reviewers. Please also submit the bound paper versions of your thesis on the same day.

Computer Science, Bioinformatics and Data Science theses are accepted electronically only and should be emailed to maria.koekenhoff@fu-berlin.de (Computer Science & Data Science) and c.stein@.fu-berlin.de (Bioinformatics)

In addition, the original of your Declaration in Lieu of Oath (Selbständigkeitserklärung) should be submitted to the examination office either through our letter box or through the postal service.

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